The first ever EQC Division 2 has just taken place, and we hope everyone who attended, followed along through our Facebook score graphics, or watched the Ruhr Phoenix TV livestream had a great time! Some of you have asked us if we could explain once more what exactly the rankings of this year’s Division 1 and 2 will mean for EQC2020 Division 1 spot distribution, so here we go.
For reference, the full explanation on spot distribution for Division 1 and Division 2 can be found in the previously published “Two-tier EQC Spot Distribution Explanation” document, which can be found here:
In summary regarding Division 1 spot distribution, each team placing in the top 5 of Division 2, and each team placing in the top 28 of Division 1 (so everyone except the bottom 4 teams) will gain a certain amount of ‘performance points’. These points will count towards their NGBs overall points.
Ranking higher within Division 1 will give a higher amount of points, and the top 5 Division 2 rankings gain points at a range roughly equal to ranking around the middle of Division 1 (to facilitate promotion).
When looking at spot distribution for the next year, performance points from both the current year and the year before that are counted, with the most recent year counting three times as much.
With EQC2018 and EQC2019, Division 2, having been finished, we can already calculate some numbers. The current points per NGB (including only NGBs with at least 0.2 points) are:
- Germany: 4.3
- France: 1.5
- UK: 1.3
- Turkey: 1
- Austria: 1.1
- Belgium: 0.9
- Norway: 0.7
- Italy: 0.5
- Spain: 0.4
- Catalonia: 0.2

A further 19.9 points (for a total of 32) will be divided over the top 28 teams in Division 1 next month, which will have teams from the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Turkey, Norway, Italy, Spain and Catalonia.
Full calculations for the current/intermediate performance point allocation can be found here:
After all points are in, they will be rounded to the nearest full number to give the spot distribution for next year’s Division 1. (If through rounding the total becomes either higher or lower than 32, the NGB(s) furthest away from the number to round up or down towards will be the first to lose or gain an extra team to end up with a total of 32 teams.)
Using the above spreadsheet and calculations, we will be able to quickly calculate EQC2020 D1 spot distribution as soon as EQC2019 D1 is finished next month. As such, we hope to be able to announce them either the Sunday night or Monday morning after the event.